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NDBOTP Overview

The ND Board of Occupational Therapy Practice (NDBOTP) is a five member board appointed by the Governor of North Dakota.  The NDBOTP was established in 1983 by the ND Legislative Assembly. Three Board members must be licensed occupational therapists, one member must be a licensed occupational therapy assistant, and one member must be a public consumer. Each board member serves a term of three years. No member may serve more than two successive terms on the board. The NDBOTP is governed by the Occupational Therapy Practice Act, Chapter 43-40 of the North Dakota Century Code and Article 55.5-01 and 55.5-02 of the Administrative Rules and Regulations which are published in the North Dakota Administrative Code and enforceable by law under the jurisdiction of sections 43-40-16 and 43-40-18 of the North Dakota Century Code.  The Century Code and Administrative Rules govern the licensure of occupational therapy professionals in the State of North Dakota and provide a penalty for noncompliance.

Mission Statement

The mission of the North Dakota Board of Occupational Therapy Practice is to license occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, monitor professional conduct and regulate the profession to ensure the highest quality of occupational therapy services for the residents of North Dakota. 

Page Updated: 11/29/2016 9:09:32 AM