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Board Membership

Board Make Up

The Board consists of five members appointed by the governor:

  • Three occupational therapists;
  • One occupational therapy assistant;
  • One consumer member;

Members serve three-year terms with a maximum of two consective terms.

Current Members

Janae Hughes, Chair

Lisbon, ND

Occupational Therapist

2nd term ends: 12-31-2025

Carol Olson, Vice Chair

Bismarck, ND

Occupational Therapist

2nd term ends: 12-31-2024

Wanda Lauer

Grand Forks, ND

Occupational Therapist

1st term ends: 12-31-2025

Lori Novak

Oakes, ND

Consumer Member

1st term ends: 12-31-2026

Klancy Tindall

Gwinner, ND

Occupational Therapy Assistant

1st term ends: 12-31-2024


Contact a Board Member

If you wish to contact a Board member, you must do so by emailing the Board office or submitting written correspondence to the Board’s mailing address: 
PO Box 4005
Bismarck, ND  58502-4005
The Board staff will ensure the designated Board member(s) receives your correspondence and you will be issued a response in a timely manner.

Page Updated: 3/4/2024 3:06:00 PM