In April 2014, the Board adopted new rules for the supervision of Occupational Therapy Assistants. OTAs no longer have a specific time requirement that they need to be supervised. Each OTA and their supervising OT should modify the supervision to the appropriate quality and frequency the OTA needs to ensure safe and effective OT service delivery.
OTA Substantiation of Supervision form - This form should only be submitted for new OTA, or those with a new employer, new position, or new substantiating OT supervisor. It should not be submitted if the substantiating OT supervisor is on vacation or leave. In the event the substantiating OT supervisor is absent (vacation, maternity leave, illness or other absence), it is the responsibility of the substantiating OT supervisor to ensure that there is another supervising OT available. But this temporary supervision change is not required to be documented or communicated with the Board. An OT can only substantiate the supervision of 3 OTAs, but they may cover the supervision for other OTs without limit.
Go to ND Administrative Code 55.5-02-03 for more information on supervision requirements for OTAs.
Each OTA and supervising OT will need to make a written supervision plan to document the services provided by the OTA, the frequency and methods of supervision, and periodic evaluation. DO NOT SEND THE PLAN TO THE BOARD OFFICE NOW! OTAs should keep the supervision plan on file. In the months following license renewal, the Board will send out letters to a percentage of OTAs to submit their plan to the Board office to be audited. The audited plans will be reviewed by the Board for completion and sufficiency. The Board will only audit plans every 2 years, but OTAs should have a new plan completed every year.
Supervision Plan Guidelines
Supervision Q & A
Sample Supervision Plan Format
Sample Format for Supervision Plan - This plan is in Microsoft Word. You may edit and save it.
Sample Supervision plan #1
Sample Supervision Plan #2
Go to ND Administrative Code 55.5-02-03for more information on supervision requirements for limited permit holders.